Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Note to Self: This Cannot Be Real

Theses people exist part 3 via theChive.com

And it is too cool if it's real. Freaky, but extremely cool...

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Note to Self: Leave Chris Brown Alone

Cause, you know, people in glass houses and all.

More importantly leave the Grammy Awards alone.

Chris Brown is convicted of assault for beating a woman...Bad. Actually deplorable might be a stronger, more befitting word. Whatever the case, he made a big nasty lowlife boo-boo putting his hand on a his girlfriend three years ago, no matter what happened between them.

He made himself a bad guy. To many of the public, now all he'll ever be is a recovering bad guy.

Obviously, not enough people to slow him down. If he does something like this again he will truly be blacklisted, but I hope he doesn't. People are waiting for it, but they shouldn't be because that's as horrendous as beating a woman. To wish for him to fail as bad as he did before is to wish for another woman to be beat again. Of course that's not criminal, but it's disgusting though.

Leave him alone, like that one guy said of Brittany Spears. Stop waiting in the wings for someone to fail cause they're suppose to be the bad guy. Bad guys are going to be bad guys until they die and for all we know they continue the same over into the afterlife. Our waiting isn't going to stop them and I think we know that. Most people are only looking for their "I told you so". I hope they don't get it with Chris Brown. They're are people right now we could care more about. People that are being beat by their boyfriends, husbands, children, parents, and persecuting Chris Brown is only time wasted on a somewhat resolved, if not closed case.

Now if I'm defending the guy with woman flesh stuck to his knuckles, I don't have a problem with the Grammy's acceptance of said felon. We should stop trying to make high profile people/institutions the police of our society. Especially since they have a proven track record of being some of the most depraved, if only because of the higher standards we set for them, as if they are gods rather than men and women. It's understandable. The downtrodden rich and powerful  have far greater assets to execute their depravity than the poor and voiceless downtrodden.

Anyway, leave the Grammy people alone too. They are only booking the talent, which slug-her or not, Chris Brown has. They are only giving awards for.. I'm not sure the criteria for doling out the awards. I hate awards period. They're pointless when it comes to dividing talent from talent, which all they'd be doing at a certain point. I mean I understand they giving the winners and nominees a certain about a clout i.e. buy Oscar nominated... or buy the Grammy winning... but as far as telling whose better at certain instances the waters are quite muddy.

Wow. I got off track.

My point was the Grammy Awards are sending out one message and that is keep music is important(and I guess the sponsored messages). If anyone or anyone's kid is getting any other message, like domestic violence is okay, they should be talked to, thoroughly, and not with your fist, use your words. We need to do better at educating the children (and people in general) ourselves, rather than control what kind of message the music business is sending to our children about domestic violence.

An MTV article on Chris Brown's reaction to the "vitriol"/doubt. "Chris Brown Blasts Grammy Appearance Critics 'Hate all you want becuz I got a Grammy,' Brown tweeted." Gil Kaufman.

Also, I wish he wasn't so, retaliatory and aggressive about the situation. I understand that he's human and bound to get frustrated because there's really nothing he could do to make the "haters" look at him any different, but it's kind of scary. Makes him seem still really young, and still really hotheaded. Antagonized somewhat, but a bit hotheaded nonetheless. You beat a woman dude, let the people be pissed and ignore them. If you've changed or are trying to change don't just say, really don't let the hate get to you. Societally, the public kinda has a right to be angry cause we're worried about the nature and morals of our community. You should just let 'em be angry and thank your fans cause without them you wouldn't've had a chance.

[Edit/add: I linked to the the Atlantic article (below) on Google plus. Basically, I'm sharing here because of what I wrote above the link. Overall [sic] on my quote. (That is, if you can do that to your own words). And it proves why the the Atlantic article was far more articulate. Anyway...]

"An Atlantic article, from Ta-Nehisi Coates, on the "Ri-Ri"/"Breezy"...fiasco? (I tried to a bit of discourse, before the collabo, on the Grammy/"Breezy" situation. It felt a bit soapy. This is far more articulate.)"
Empowerment isn't always accompanied by wisdom

Friday, February 10, 2012

Note to Self: Sometimes you don't know the full story...

This is the conversation some people were having about Chelsea Handler's talking openly about the abortion she had at the age of sixteen on The Rosie Show. The article and conversation is on People.com. 

Comments on abortion/Chelsea Handler on People.com

You know the arguments. It's one of the hot button topics in our culture. Abortion. Pro-choice. Pro-life. Yada, yada, yada.

It seems like a personal decision that people should stay out of, but of course, we've elevated to the national level. So now it's everyone's business what unwed, teen mothers and their parents decide to do with the unborn. One side wants to protect the mother's right not to eff up another human life and the other wants to protect that human life... essentially the same thing, no?

It's strange that two factions of people, both meaning well, could be so contentious to the other's point of view.

My opinion? Let abortions exist. What does it matter?

I say we should let there be abortions/abortion clinics/what-have-you, and instead of focusing on this cyclical argument, we should elevate the discourse: We should tell kids, tell people, the best thing to do is not have children until you are ready to raise children in the best environment possible. That's what the argument should be. I personally wouldn't want a child, my child, or me as a child, to be raised by parents that are unfit in anyway. I wouldn't want to throw any child into the system and hope they get Blindsided. Great adoption stories are probably not the norm. All you can hope for is your child to end up with a good family, but probably more often than we'd like, they don't.

So when given a choice between a, most likely, bad life raising the child, a possible bad life being raised "in the system," and no life at all...some people choose no life and for me at least that's understandable. I may not agree with it, but it's understandable. Not heartless and thoughtless.

None of this of course excludes heartless and thoughtless people from existing.

Who else out there is tired of this debate and is ready to move on to something more important like, say, raising the kids that we have to not be in a predicament where they'd have to/ want to get an abortion?